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Korean Urban Management Association 한국도시행정학회 Korean Urban Management Association

안녕하십니까? 한국도시행정학회 운영간사 양세종입니다.

2015년 10월 22일~24일간 있을 한중일 국제세미나의 Paper Call(발표논문초록제출)과 행사내용 안내드립니다.  


2015 Korea-China-Japan Joint International Seminar - first call


2015 Korea-China-Japan Joint International Seminar: “The Present and the Future of Urban Management in Northeast Asia: Searching for New Possibilities”


We invite you to participate in the Korea-China-Japan Joint International Seminar, co-hosted by Korea Urban Management Association (KUMA) and Center for Global Urban Research of University of Seoul.



Key Dates


Deadline for paper abstracts: 15 September 2015 (extended deadline)


Full papers due: 4 October 2015


Conference date: 23 October 2015 (with a Welcoming Reception on 22 October 2015 and a Farewell Reception at a Korea House on 23 October 2015)


Field Trip date: 24 October 2015



Conference Theme


‘The Present and the Future of Urban Management in Northeast Asia: Searching for New Possibilities’ is the overarching theme for the 2015 Korea-China-Japan Joint International Seminar. The 2015 Korea-China-Japan Joint International Seminar will be a lively forum for diverse experts to examine, explore and challenge ideas relating to Urban Management. There will be four main conference streams and one conference stream that can cover topics that are not included in four main conference streams:


1. Urban Regeneration


2. Urban Environmental Issues


3. Urban Economy and Industry


4. Management of Urban Government


5. Other Urban Management Issues



Official Language


English is an official language of the 2015 Seminar. Your abstract should be written in English. However you can also present your paper in Chinese.


Seminar Organizers


Chair of the Organizing Committee: Dr. Dong-Hoon Oh (the Chairperson of KUMA, Professor of Department of Urban Management, University of Seoul)


Organizing Committee Members: Dr. Seok-Hwi Song (the Director of Center for Global Urban Research of University of Seoul, Professor of Department of Urban Management, University of Seoul), Dr. Taehwa Lee (Professor of Department of Urban Management, University of Seoul)


Additional Information


Please contact Dr. Taehwa Lee if you have any further question regarding to the 2015 Seminar at thlee21@uos.ac.kr



번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
268 <한국도시행정학회> 학회와 공동주최하는 '시민주권특별자치시 세종' 학술토론회 알림 file 한국도시행정학회 2018.11.18 1710
267 <한국도시행정학회> LH공사 LH 연구원 연구직 채용 공고(북한 연구 등) file 한국도시행정학회 2018.11.14 1879
266 <한국도시행정학회> LH 도시재생 사업인정심사 심사위원 모집 file 한국도시행정학회 2018.11.05 1938
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263 <한국도시행정학회> 한국도시행정학회와시사저널이 공동주최하는 Good City포럼 file 한국도시행정학회 2018.09.19 1871
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